Deep learning. Theoretical introduction and its application for face detection, recognition and camuflage.
Schedule of Classes (A.Y. 2019-2020)
The course aims at introducing deep learning from a theoretical point of view, specifying the peculiarities of several architectures such as Deep Feedforward Networks, Convolutional Networks, Recurrent and Recursive Nets, Autoencoders and GANs. As a case study, systems for processing and understanding images and videos representing human faces will be presented and analized.
Date |
Topic |
Slides |
Code |
5/2/2020 |
Introduction to Machine Learning |
10/2/2020 |
Deep Sequence Modeling |
10/2/2020 |
Deep Learning for Computer Vision |
12/2/2020 |
Deep Generative Models |
12/2/2020 |
Reinforcement Learning |
12/2/2020 |
Deep Learning: Limitations and new frontiers |